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When the Cat's Away
Episode #: 18
Original Air Date: 10/14/1987
Written by: Mark Edens

Episode Summary
Written by J. Cole Weston

Overlord is captured at last - but what will happen to the Black Widows in his absence?

Episode Notes
Written by J. Cole Weston

In depth: An airbus on the way to M.C.C. is late, having been highjacked by Overlord. General McFarland recognizes that Bandit has put on the wrong hat, cluing him in that something is wrong. Bandit fires a pistol and the plane begins to take off again. Cat stops the U.N. plane from leaving with her freeze ray. Bandit attempts to deice the intake, and frees the plane. Hiro launches his backpack grabber claw, which snags Overlord while the rest escape.

At the Special Counsel of the U.N, much debate occurs at a meeting. They decide an immediate strike on Overlord's headquarters is in order. At Overlord's HQ, the Black Widows divide and struggle against each other. McFarland interrogates Overlord, who uses a hidden capsule to put into his water, knocking him unconscious.

Riding into the Zone, they approach the Chrysler building while Overlord regains consciousness on a gurney and defeats his captors. Overlord wants to take over the U.N. In the Zone meanwhile, a fierce battle rages between Zoners and Riders. Tank destroys Bandit's Bullwhip cannon as he calls for more Zoners to reinforce the battle. Bandit calls all New York Zoners to his aid, while Reaper blasts him in the back, putting him in a cell. Back at the U.N, McFarland briefs the council on final action against Overlord. The nations squabble over post Zone borders and redevelopment. Overlord meanwhile starts gassing the U.N. with sleep gas obtained from two doctors. A guard manages to hit the alert sirens, and McFarland escapes out the front.

Overlord calls his HQ to have the Intruder join him on the roof. Reaper decides to lead the attack without saving Overlord. Meanwhile Overlord goes onto the roof and McFarland jumps him, but is opposed. Overlord breaks off an antenna to fight him with, but McFarland uses leverage to flip Overlord over the railing. He manages to hang on, as Duchess Dire arrives with Intruder and blasts at the deck. McFarland then makes it inside Intruder and takes over.

Meanwhile a recall flare draws the Zone Riders away from HQ and back to the U.N. Overlord reaches his HQ with Bandit and Duchess Dire to confront the traitors Reaper and Razorback. He sends all Black Widows to reinforce the borders, with the Zone Riders left to fight another day.

Items Noticed: We get our first look at M.C.C. ranks in this episode. On Bandit's uniform is a leaf shape - the traditional symbol of a major in army ranks. His hat has two bars - captain's rank. General McFarland wears four diamonds, analogous to the four stars Generals today wear.

Notes: Bandit is a master of Origami, making several sculptures in his cell.

Overlord in the scene at his headquarters is wearing his twin missle backpack from the toy - a rare occurrence in SPIRAL ZONE.

What do we learn? In an earlier episode, Overlord proved to be a bad shot inside a room while fighting Dirk. However here, he proves to be a master of close quarters combat, disabling an armed guard and four other men in an elevator. He's not the leader of the Black Widows for nothing!

The U.N. launches a recall signal to the Zone Riders: three flare combination from the roof - yellow, then two blue flares in a row. Since there is no communication in the Zone, this is a novel way of recalling the Zone Riders to HQ, provided they are within visual range of the flare gun in New York mounted on the U.N.

Goof ups: None apparent.

Commentary: An incredibly dramatic episode, and one that could have been the final one for SPIRAL ZONE. Why were other episodes recycled for footage, but not this one? I begin to suspect that with the proper amount of editing and voice work, this episode could be turned into a satisfying conclusion to the SPIRAL ZONE saga.

Quotable Quotes: "This could be the battle we've been waiting for: the last one." - Commander Courage
"I know you can win Dirk. I just hope the politicians don't take the meaning out of victory." - General McFarland
"Time to fade away, old soldier!" - Overlord to General McFarland

SPIRAL ZONE and related character marks are © 1988 Tonka Corporation